The European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme provides funding to projects at the European level that bring organisations from different countries partnering together to develop new innovative resources, networks, platforms, or tools to the benefit of European. In this framework, TAFISA has been a leader or partner in several projects co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and is currently involved in the following ongoing projects:
May 2022 - April 2025 Project Leader: Sport and Citizenship
PACTE+ continues the work of the existing PA project, with its aim to inform European municipalities on the crucial role they can play promoting physical activity. Its priority objective is to encourage cities to take a proactive approach to the promotion of physical activity, in sight of improving individual and collective well-being. The project is built around four pilot intervention which will be focused on four cities to showcase benefits of implementing an active city strategy. Using these lighthouse cities will help to showcase the need for an Active city strategy and the interest of the PACTE Matrix for Change in doing so.
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January 2023 - June 2025 Project Leader: España se Mueve
Led by España se Mueve, SIMS is a 30-month project that will focus mainly on the promotion, through dissemination/communication, of social inclusion, diversity and equal opportunities through sport. The origin of this project comes from an already completed Erasmus+ project "Europe is Moving: Sport inclusion through media" (EiM 1.0), which aimed to obtain a snapshot on the level of media involvement in the field of social inclusion and equal opportunities through sport and physical activity. The research conducted confirmed that media involvement is, in general, almost non-existent. The project further aims to respond to these identified needs by bringing together two of the main stakeholders: on the one hand, the media and, on the other hand, the organizations that promote and develop inclusive sport activities and events (inclusive sport organisations).
January 2023 - December 2025 Project Leader: TAFISA
INTERACT Plus builds upon the INTERACT project, its recommendations, outputs, and the identified ISO’s (International and European Sport Organisations) needs and expectations. The project reflects on our changing world (Impact of Covid-19) and aims to bridge the gap from theory to practice by supporting and positioning ISOs as key leaders of the Sport for All and physical activity movement. This will encompass the development of a new Sport for All delivery model and the creation of a knowledge and experience-sharing platform between ISOs and their National Federations.Learn more...
January 2024 - December 2025 Project Leader: TAFISA
KESCAB online Hub project is developed to build on the Europe in Action learnings, the 2019-2022 Erasmus+ project led by TAFISA which created 13 educational modules to educate Sport for All stakeholders on topical European policy areas in the field of sport. This project comes from the need to leverage technology in centralising Sport for All capacity building and Knowledge and experience sharing programmes. KESCAB project’s main objective is to build a knowledge and experience- sharing Hub which will digitalise and adapt existing knowledge and experience sharing solutions and capacity building initiatives in the Sport for All movement into an interactive online hub designed to suit diverse needs and expectations. KESCAB project is designed for everyone. KESCAB will support deliberate efforts to reach out to young people and attract them to Sport for All using technology, which is the new way of interaction, communication and learning.
January 2025 - December 2026 Project Leader: TAFISA
The REACH project empowers young people in the Sport for All community across Europe and beyond. It fosters leadership, inclusivity, and advocacy, equipping youth to take on volunteer, leadership, and decision-making roles. Through carefully designed Community Actions, participants gain skills to drive positive change in their communities. The project will develop a Youth Engagement Charter to help Sport for All organizations involve youth in leadership, management, and event planning, alongside Mentorship Charter to guide effective mentorship programs. Leveraging strategic partnerships, digital tools, and peer-to-peer exchanges, REACH promotes diversity, gender equality, and social cohesion through innovative capacity-building initiatives.
January 2025 - December 2027 Project Leader: Université de Lorraine
HPSCoach-EDU is transforming sports coaching by integrating health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) into training across Europe. Addressing gaps in health promotion, it focuses on four key determinants (organizational, social, environmental, economic) across seven levels of influence, from individual coaches to government. The project equips national sports federations and universities to train coaches as health ambassadors. A digital e-platform will provide reusable tools to improve coaching quality, inclusivity, and health promotion in grassroots sports. By empowering federations and universities as agents of change, the project aims to build a lasting network of health-focused coaches.
January 2025 - December 2026 Project Leader: Agenția Națională pentru Sport(ANS)
ACT RISE is a capacity-building project dedicated to promoting Sport for All and physical activity, with a focus on post-conflict reconciliation, inclusion, safeguarding, gender equality, and strengthening sport organizations in the Eastern Neighborhood of Europe. The project maps existing Sport for All policies in Romania, Ukraine, and Moldova and develops a specialized training methodology to be piloted with 200 participants in face-to-face sessions and 500+ participants from neighboring countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Poland, and Hungary. It also delivers online training, joint sport events, handbooks, and policy statements, fostering collaboration among national stakeholders to advance the Sport for All movement.
January 2021 - June 2023 Project Leader: Tempo Livre
Cultural heritage is one of Europe’s greatest strengths and it forms an integral part of the life of its citizens. SPACHE explores the link between these cultural assets and Physical Activity or Sport for All. The project aims to connect both sectors in order to raise awareness of the importance of an active lifestyle and increase physical activity especially in target groups which are non-active. SPACHE will support inhabitants rediscover and value their local cultural heritage and thus shape local identities. After exploring the correlation between Physical Activity and Cultural Heritage the project partners will develop and implement a pilot programme to enhance Sport through Cultural Heritage at a local level.
January 2021 - December 2022 Project Leader: TAFISA
International and European Sport Organisations (ISOs) are at the core of the sport delivery systems in Europe and worldwide, as well as the governing bodies of their respective sport disciplines. Yet, their potential to influence Sport for All and physical activity participation at the grassroots is mostly untouched. INTERACT is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and aims to support and position ISOs as key leaders of the Sport for All and physical activity movement – developing innovative ways to engage stakeholders and citizens at all geographical levels.Learn more...
January 2020 - June 2022 Project Leader: TAFISA
Europe in Action will undertake an innovative and specialised approach to transfer fundamental and topical European key policy areas in the field of grassroots sport into priorities for practical action. The research and analysis of existing EU policy will enable key themes to be extrapolated and formed in a way which allows streamlining into the agenda of stakeholders responsible for national and local policy and practical implementation. This will encompass knowledge creation and sharing of key European policy areas, the creation and implementation of educational modules to be piloted, and grassroots sport conferences in two regions in Europe.
“Training the female Sport for All leaders of tomorrow” aims to equip and empower a new generation of young European and African women who are working (or volunteering) in Sport for All with the necessary skills, knowledge, experiences and guidance to lead the global Sport for All Movement. Through a comprehensive global mobility and mentoring scheme, the participants will strengthen their future employability and enhance their personal and professional development through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge gained through nonformal education and time spent in a foreign country.Learn more...
January 2020 - December 2022 Project Leader: EuropeActive
FAIR+ continues the work of the existing FAIR project reviews, the existing interventions on doping in recreational sport, and food/supplements for sportspeople, and represents an opportunity to develop a Europe-wide network to assess good practices and develop new methods with the help of renowned experts in the field of doping. The FAIR+ Guidelines (and the Anti-Doping Code of Conduct) will provide several recommendations on how to set-up effective educational campaigns targeting recreational sport coaches, instructors and trainers and eventually with indications on how to evaluate and measure their efficacy.
January 2019 - June 2020 Project Leader: Latvian Sports Federations Council
The BeActive Beach Games aim to promote physical activities on the "beach" (including sand or rock beaches by the sea but also other terrains such as grass next to lakes, rivers, etc.) and through the development and testing of a new organisation format that fosters the participation of different segments of population, inclusion through sport, social and health values learning and intercultural exchange and cooperation. They are inclusive and involve families with children, youngsters, adults and senior citizens from different socio-economical backgrounds, citizens with disabilities, and vulnerable minorities.
January 2018 - June 2020 Project Leader: APCAS - Association of Cerebral Palsy of Almada Seixal
The InSport project aims to develop a European model for the inclusion in sport of people with disabilities, based on a survey of existing best national practices and the greatest barriers to inclusion in EU member states. Once the survey has been carried out and the model is developed, a public web-based platform will be designed to provide knowledge and resources on best practices to fully include people with disabilities in sport. InSport is also aiming to establish a monitoring framework for the inclusion-rate of people with disabilities in sport across the EU member states.
January 2018 - December 2020 Project Leader: Sport and Citizenship
The PACTE project aims to sensitize municipalities, Europe-wide, on the crucial role they can play promoting Physical Activity. The first step focused on a European survey on physical activity policies at municipal level in Europe. Now the focus is on developing an online toolkit to support municipalities take steps for the happiness and well-being of their citizens. This will offer a tool to enable cities to design their “Active City action plan” and self-evaluate themselves, along with recommendations, case studies, good practices and quick wins to help them start off new initiatives.
January 2018 - June 2019 Project Leader: Foundation for Recovery Aluminium Packaging RECAL
The Sport for All and the Environment project seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of implementing ecological behaviour in Sport for All. The purpose is to promote sport in a safe and clear environment and to enhance public education in the field of environmentally friendly sport events linked to sustainable development. As an outcome of the project, "Green Guidelines" have been developed to help organisers design and host environment-friendly Sport for All events. TAFISA supports the project as external expert.
January 2017 - December 2019 Project Leader: EuropeActive
The FAIR project is based on the insights provided by the Study on Doping Prevention in Recreational Sport of January 2015, completed by EuropeActive as the consortium leader. This network provides a basis for both future policy development and a long-term common approach in the prevention of doping in recreational sport. FAIR is a project with strong long-term outcomes, targeting a wide audience beyond the participating organisations at European, national and regional levels. A strong evidence-base assures the quality of the project and its design aims for a sustainable and long-term impact.
January 2017 - December 2019 Project Leader: University of Hull
Although doping is usually associated with elite sport, a recent report revealed that some athletes within grassroots sport also take performance enhancing drugs. This may be due to a lack of awareness of what constitutes banned substances, a lack of testing within grassroots sport, and a lack of comprehension of the dangers to one’s health. The ADVICE project aims to create a mobile application designed to reduce doping in grassroots sports. It involves a collaboration of organisations from 7 countries with expertise in doping, coach education, pedagogy, psychology, policy, and behaviour change.
January 2017 - June 2019 Project Leader: Knowledge Centre for Sport
The Keep Youngsters Involved project aims to find answers to the question: ‘How can we prevent youngsters (age 12-19) from dropout from sport?’ In many European countries, a lot of youngsters give up sport due to a lack of motivation, problems with school schedule or different interests. The project targets youngsters in general and specifically those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. The outcomes of the project which are applicable to sports clubs all over Europe have been presented during the project’s final conference in 2019. This includes various resources for coaches to prevent dropout from sport.
January 2017 - December 2018 Project Leader: International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
The aim of the PRIME Project is to develop a high-quality coaching framework to support the promotion of healthy martial arts participation among people with disabilities in Europe. The martial arts are an unusually diverse and adaptable group of movement and sport forms, offering popular contexts for engaging and supporting the healthy development of people with disabilities. In addition, martial arts can introduce through this framework a range of self-defence learning experiences and - in the light of evidence that people with disabilities in Europe are often targets for violent crimes - these experiences will also make important contributions to participants’ confidence, safety and well-being.
January - December 2017 Project Leader: TAFISA
The ETSGP project aimed at creating a central resource hub encompassing the three complimentary elements of research, policy and practice, enabling the future development of a coordinated approach to the preservation and promotion of European TSG. The online tool comprises the European TSG State of Play, the platform's constitution, a European TSG bibliography. It also includes an online directory of policy paper and resolutions mentioning TSG, TSG organisations, scholars and universities, and good practices and inspirations.
January 2015 - December 2017 Project Leader: Sport and Citizenship
The PASS project aimed at raising awareness on the physical activity crisis and at promoting HEPA at European level through providing good practices and recommendations. It is based on the principle of integrating physical activity as a tool/solution into relevant sectors of society like education, public health, cities and urban planning, the sport industry and grassroots sports. The PASS project draws inspiration from the comprehensive Designed To Move research and campaign about the benefits of physical activity, adapting its message to reach decision-makers at the European level.
January 2015 - April 2016 Project Leader: TAFISA
The EWoS Toolbox aimed to promote the European Week of Sport and help European, national and local organisations to implement it. It includes recommendations and good practice examples, an introductory video and infographics. Those materials have been developed to make the toolbox attractive and accessible in all Europe.
January 2014 - June 2015 Project Leader: TAFISA
The project is based on the belief that Traditional Sports and Games are part of the world heritage and a symbol of cultural diversity. RECALL goal is to remake Traditional Sports and Games part of young people everyday life to address nowadays social challenges such as solidarity, diversity and inclusion, cultural awareness and peace. The aim is also to decrease physical inactivity worldwide and encourage the cooperation between mainstream sports and Traditional Sports and Games.
January 2013 – June 2014 Project Leader: TAFISA
SportCityNet aimed at improving the life quality in European cities and communities, increasing the levels of physical activity participation and integrating physical activity into the everyday lives by raising awareness, sharing knowledge and experiences about its benefits, and providing practical tools for the promotion of Sport for All in the city setting. The project developed a "toolkit" describing the 5 Key Success Areas to become an Active City.
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